my runner's digest
Jun 28, 2011
nonsensicalness (if that's a word)
Jun 27, 2011
gone fishing
Jun 24, 2011
father's day
Jun 20, 2011

if mama ain't happy...
Jun 13, 2011
one evening not too long ago, as we sat in bed reading, chris shared a bible verse with me that was obviously dear to him. he read aloud to me from the second chapter of proverbs…
"a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day."
haha. we laugh together. good thing chris doesn't have one of those for a wife! no, no, we have a good marriage. we are happy. blessed. that verse was clearly written for someone else.
fast forward a few months.
having been deprived of sleep for going on 3.5 months now, i hear my voice sounding all too often like a constant dripping. i am crabby. austin and graham are sleep deprived as well. and crabby. and our trips to target looks like this.
you can't see me, but i am crying, too.
we know how challenging life can be with a newborn, so i don't know why we are caught off guard each time.
the story is always the same. chris & lauren have a baby. chris & lauren are so happy with their precious angel. chris takes his turns getting up with the baby. family and friends visit and bring meals. and everyone loves the baby. weeks pass. baby is still not sleeping. but we shrug, laugh about skipping showers, and coo at the baby. months pass. baby is still not sleeping. the adrenaline surrounding a new baby has worn off. chris is tired at work and no longer wants to get up. lauren is tired and can't nap. no longer is anyone bringing meals, no longer is family is offering to come help while we nap, and we no longer think it funny that we can't get a shower. and the baby is. still. crying.
but with or without a good night's rest, it is no excuse to be a dripping faucet. getting through the challenges of life with joy are what separates the good, the bad, and the ugly. because taking joy in life is a woman's best cosmetic. ~Rosalind Russell
this period of sleepless will pass. and if it takes years, everywhere i look are three very. big. reasons. to choose joy.
and within another year or two we'll have entirely forgotten the challenges of infant. and the chances are good that we'll want a baby. again.
a day at the friendly confines

updating my resume
Jun 8, 2011
this morning i ran into a friend from law school. it was good to catch up. was she still working? no, she had tried to work part-time after having her son and realized she couldn't be good at both her job and being a mom. would she go back? she'd hope, but probably not since she planned to be home for a few years and her legal experience would stale.
it got me thinking. being a mom is the most challenging job on the planet, so why is it that moms out of the workforce for a few years are considered lacking in experience?
i have a mom friend (who will remain nameless) who, instead of stopping her car with toddlers while on a road trip, made the decision to preserve their sanity, be on time to their destination, and make any sacrifice necessary to do so. so instead of stopping at a restroom and waking her children, she took one for the team. she grabbed her child's diaper from the back seat and peed in it while she kept driving. now that is commitment. that is drive. that is a woman marked for success.
being a mom has been the most challenging few years of my life. but if i were to go back to work, what could i claim as my experience for the past few years? if i were to update my resume, i don't know that anyone would hire me. i know i have been challenged and stretched by every single day of motherhood, but on a resume these things look rather silly...
it doesn't matter. as soon as my last little guy is in school, i am going to start a company. and i have no idea what the company will do but it doesn't even matter what we do because we will be a huge success. i am only going to hire moms returning to work. moms who know how to juggle the most stressful circumstances. moms who are always equipped for unfathomable emergencies. moms who know how to develop ingenious solutions for the crazy curveballs thrown during childrearing. and mark my words... as soon as i figure out what this company will do, we will have the most powerful workforce imaginable and we WILL. be. a. huge. success.
(disclaimer: you might be thinking to yourself, "wow, lauren has way too much time on her hands." unfortunately, that is not the case. otherwise, i'd have showered this morning. there simply is no explanation for me taking the time to write this out except to show chris, once again, that my days are much harder than his.)
Baby Mama, September 2007 to March 2009
· Successfully executed the “pee-while-holding-an-infant” maneuver in port-a-potties and other revolting restrooms
· Developed and implemented training to prevent my toddler from sticking his hands down the back of his pants or saying “nipple” in public
· Participated in various aspects of complex snack request negotiations, successfully labeling graham crackers as “cookies” and fruit flavored water as “juice”
· Coordinated and collaborated to change “up-the-back” diapers without leaving airplane seats
Mama to Two, March 2009 to February 2011
· Analyzed and assessed arguments of opposing toddlers to adjudicate who should get which one of two identical toys
· Appointed Chief Home Officer (CHO) by a mocking husband who likes delegating annoying administrative tasks
· Gained proficient knowledge of Buzz Lightyear’s abilities and limitations so as to avoid being publicly ridiculed by a toddler
·Regularly maneuvered an SUV on the highway while attached to a breast pump and and fielding honks and shouts from passing truck drivers
Chief Home Operator, February 2011 to Present
· Successfully held an infant in the Rainforest Cafe restroom while aiding a pooping toddler and keeping a second toddler from touching the feminine product depository with his mouth
· Mediated arguments between toddlers as to whether we would buy the regular Goldfish or rainbow Goldfish
· Facilitated training to prevent a toddler from asking outside every public restroom, “Hey mom, do you need to go pee or poop?”
sleep deprived
Jun 7, 2011
where there is a will...
Jun 2, 2011