my runner's digest

Jun 28, 2011

every mom should run.

of course, we've all had babies, so one reason to run is to maintain just a little bit of what the good lord gave us. but any normal person will use a workout as a way to rationalize a bit more junk food consumption throughout the day, so staying in shape will become a moot point.

the real reason every mom should run is simple. it's to clear. your. mind. reflect. put words to the feelings you had all the day long when you were to busy to figure out why you were feeling them. running is sometimes the best road to self-awareness.

it doesn't matter how far you run, or how fast you go. i don't go far and i don't go fast. the point of a run is that the second you are let out of the house (yes, "let out of the house"), you get to run. away. the more stressful your day, the faster you run. away from your kids. away from your job. away from your husband. away from your house. away from all the other things you love most dearly but often prove to be most challenging in life.

and the beauty of every run is that at some point, no matter whether it is blocks away or miles away... you turn around. having had the chance to vent to yourself, figure out something in your head, or to tune out to the sound of your iPod, you turn to go back. the greater the resolve you've had, the more excitedly you run back. back towards your kids. towards your work. towards your husband. towards your house. towards all the things that ask the most of you but prove to be the most fulfilling in life.

and because i am SO blessed to spend a few mornings a week running at the lake, the end of every run of late is the chance to shed my shoes, dip my feet in the water, and thank God for the things to which i'm running back.


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