in the blink of an eye, our baby boy is 3 months old! carter, i don't know where these past few
months have gone, but i can't believe you are already so big.
for any of you who know me as a mom, you know my heart is stuck on the toddler-stage. a sweet look or lispy-pronounced sentence out of a 2-year-old's mouth will make me literally melt. graham is 2... and his mere pronunciation of "gawk-a-mo-wee" (guacamole) or "hop-i-sit-ital" (hospital) makes me stop to squeeze his little toddler self and wish he wouldn't grow another day older. but for some reason (and i HATE to say it now) i have somewhat wished away the newborn stages with my big boys. maybe not wished away... but i was always looking forward, not back. always wondering what stage would come next, not savoring the moment. when would they roll over? or sit up? when would they sit in their car seat without crying? when would they be able to eat at a restaurant without me packing baby food? when would they sleep through the night?
but ahhhhh, then came carter. my sweet baby boy who i cherish every second i get. i don't care how soon he will sit up because i love laying beside him. i don't care when he wants to sit in his car seat because i'd rather hold him. i don't care when he sleeps through the night (okay, sort of) because i love seeing him every single time i wake up.
something tells me that i am enjoying this little newborn more than my others because there is that thing inside me saying this could very well be our last baby. yet people tell me that one just knows when you are having your last baby so there are more lil hills to come. but without knowing whether we want four kids -- and knowing the current rate of private college tuition -- sweet baby carter could very well be our last.
but if you know carter, you know that there is more to appreciate than the fact that he could be our last lil hill.
while he looks as though his first love is food, it is definitely people. try to feed my little baby boy and you will know what i mean... he literally pushes his food out of his mouth with his tongue when he has something he needs to tell you. and it's urgent. the sheer emotion and energy that go into his coos and gurgles is so intense that you know you it sometime feels like i am sharing a special moment with a peer whenever carter needs to talk. and in looking through all our pics of carter, so many show him in this state... making direct eye contact and talking or smiling.
plus, he just never complains about anything. one will only hear a cry from carter if he is starving or overtired. several people have told me that third children are always easy....
but several people also told me that second children are always easy and laid and graham, as much as i love him, was NOT easy. just ask his grandparents.
quite simply, it is a joy to be around carter. he enjoys life as it comes his way.
and with all that said...
carter, whether you are my last bambino or merely a marker on our journey to six (kidding:), you are so incredibly special and i wouldn't trade you for anything in the world.
even for a girl.