this picture is the aftermath of just such an argument. although austin is the only one crying, it is usually graham who is even more upset.
yesterday's argument in the kitchen:
Graham: "I Austin. You Graham."
Austin (clearly annoyed already): "No Graham, I AM AUSTIN. I am Austin and you are Graham."
Graham (starting to cry): "No, I is Austin. I is Austin!!!" (wails and tears)
Austin: "NO Graham, you are Graham. Mom, he can't be Austin because I am Austin. He is Graham!!!"
Graham (wailing as he throws himself to the ground): "I not Graham, I Austin, I Austin, I Austin!!"
this morning's argument as three boys were piled in my bed:
Graham: "Dats Carter, he my broder."
Austin: "Yes, Graham, and Carter is my brother, too."
Graham: "NOOOO, dats MY broder. Carter is MY broder!!"
Austin: "Graham, he's my brother, too! He's not just your brother!"
Graham (wailing): "NOO, dats my broder. Dats MY broder!! No Austin, dats MY broder!!"
i'm creating a new rule in the Hill house.... if you are going to argue, at least pick an argument that makes sense.
i know chris is reading this right now and thinking i need to practice what i preach.