suburbs or bust

May 18, 2011

if you know our family...

you know we love the City. and we love our boys.

so naturally, the question has come about... is the City what is best for our boys?

thus came about our move from 1851 west larchmont. into homelessness.

okay, not homelessness in its entirety. thanks to my in-laws, we have running water. and a toilet. and while we have not reached any conclusions as to where we should live, we have reached conclusions of some sort or another....

(1) attached garages are the best thing that man has created.

(2) drive-thru starbucks are equally amazing. no joke, city moms, you can order a frappe-crappa-whatever without EVER LEAVING YOUR CAR. it is truly glorious.

(3) the suburbs have teenagers. in the past 2 weeks both chris and i have inadvertently pointed out pimply nosed and greasy haired individuals as if they are as precious as the almost extinct pandas of our great green earth. coming from chicago we just can't believe that these creatures exist, no less that they babysit for less than $16 an hour.

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