sleep deprived

Jun 7, 2011

people who say that they sleep like a baby don't have one.

this morning i awoke with 3 boys in my bed. and none of them were named chris.

i started in bed alone but at about 12:30am i was joined by carter. graham woke up in his own bed and had me lay by him several times before he joined me in bed at 3:00am. then austin came to join the party at about 4:45am. and i've been awake ever since.

this sleepless night comes after austin's nose bleed the night before. and graham's nose bleed the night before that. oh, and then the 3 months of sleeplessness with a newborn before that.

after a night like last, my first inclination is to be annoyed. but on this morning i am going to do my best to choose joy. ask God why he didn't create little boys with snooze buttons. make coffee and count my blessings.

like happy boys.

and a healthy, chubby baby.

and a husband who likes to make all of them laugh.

while all i want to do is crawl back in bed, i'm going to try to suck it up and not drag.

and pray that they all nap.


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